Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sequence Sunday!

Clive Dixon bs 360 in Ft. Pierce. (Click to play sequence.) Ph. David Morefield


David and I went to New Symerna to help at a contest.  The contest  ended  pretty early though so after we decided to street skate in  Daytona and it turned out  pretty succesful. We got a couple clips  and photos you can look forward to seeing soon.

We only got to warm up on this little spot and then got the boot.

These rails are pretty low and sick.

Beautiful FL.

David frontbluntin' a fun ledge in Daytona.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sequence Sunday!

Blunt to pivot fakie in Titusville.
Sequence: David Morefield

Monday, May 2, 2011


I apologize for the horrible cellphone photos.
David and I seshed the new Titusville park for a couple hours. 
Then skated these banks which are pretty sketchy with all the chipped tile and the railing that goes along the whole bottom the bank.
A closer look at the bottom of the bank.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Orlando with gainesvillians

We found this sweet turtle chillin in our garage before we left.

Orlando we meet again.

 We were rollin 4 cars deep.

Alex Olen fs wallride.

This spot has buttery ground and we played about a 2 hour game of s.k.a.t.e.b.o.a.r.d. Alex came up on top.
And we ended the day with a family dinner at a chinese buffet.