Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Some Randoms

here is a little bit photos of just me takin in like the last 2 months.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This is an autobiography my brother put together. And it's definitely worth the watch so click play!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

So i know i haven't been really keeping up with the blog lately but that's gonna change starting now! I got some new stuff. And there's even more i'm almost ready to put up.

This is the trip I took on Saturday out to Orlando with the "Commit or Quit" crew.
Some artsyness from David.
Wallie then _____. Can u guess?
First time at Chipotles, and It was <3>

So that was about it besides getting trespassed at the rails inside the parking garage, and any city of Orlando lot. Oh yeah plus a parking ticket. SO lame but i guess it happens.